Cubot Power Accessories
We list every accessory that comes with the Cubot Power plus additional useful options you may want to consider and also add the benefit for those who are undecided a review so you can better understand why these accessories of particular use with the Cubot Power.
User manual, Charger 5v2A, USB Cable, Protect Case,
Tempered Glass
A high-resolution screen that displays wonderfully as talked about in the review is great until it gets scratches. Gorilla Glass is a wonderful glass is resistant to impact and scratches it just happens that cubot have not incorporated it into the Power. The Accessory that best reduces the chances of scratches and impact damage is a screen protector.
A case is included but that does not mean you may not want to consider a new one. Firstly PU cases are a great option and the whole is where the camera is so you can take photos while using the phone. Waterproof cases are a cool way to make a phone accessible underwater and given the fact that the cubot power is not waterproof a waterproof case becomes all the more useful.
Want More Memory?
Memory usage can be enhanced with accessories most obviously would be an SD card which comes with pitfalls mentioned in the review. Other options for increased storage would be cloud storage options. Maximum SD card capacity is 128GB and internal Power memory is 128GB.
Headphone Accessories
In the review, one of the minor faults mentioned was no headphones were included in the accessories which is a shame given the Cubot Power features give it more options than most when selecting the type of headphones to use. The power has the power to function with the standard 3.5mm headphone, Type C USB Headphones and of course Bluetooth headphones, the reasons these features are particularly good are elaborated on further in the Cubot power review that just keeps being mentioned link.
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