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Sunday, 22 March 2015

THL T12 Review

Click Here  For THL T12 4.5 Android Phone Review

The THL T12 design is slim and feels really comfortable in the hand making easy to use one handed. The blue design looks metallic and feels very smooth Screen is 4.5 inches 0.5 inches short of a phablet. Phone is 116 as heavy as an apple.
For the price the T12 offers quite a a lot  a large HD screen, good sensors and more.
Check Out Very impressive android 5.1 UMI Rome With Umi Rome Review Here
T12 Scores Points For Shipping
Android Phone from China are imported and available from certain stores offering domestic shipping services,  this is great because customs is no problem, shipment is fast and returning product in case of the odd defect is easy. A Phone available for same country shipping always scores higher in my reviews. You can check out a site offering this service for the THL T12 and other high end china phones by Clicking Right Here

THL T12 Release Date
Available for order from 4th march with a release date 16 days later on  the 20th
language set for the T12 is English by default which is  convenient and I'm sure that the language is set whichever country the buyer is located.

THL T12 Android 5.0 Lollipop
Android 4.4 is set up already which is the most advance version of android that does not require a 64 bit processor and has less glitches than 5.0 so rooting for an upgrade is really not necessary. However a lot of phones are releasing without android 5.0 and then upgrading the firmware so it is very possible that being the cheapest THL 64 bit phone the T12 will have 5.0 lollipop in the near future. However android 5.0 is more  capable than 4.4 because it's an operating system that takes advantage of 64 bit processors. As we speak many phones are being Chinese phones are being released with android 5.1 already set up.

Performance And Battery review
No problem running any game or program but for how long? It's very good at running programs but the  battery is simply not enough. On the plus size you can use an additional battery but who really wants that and if one is not provided is the cost of an additional battery worth the wait and effort. With the way the battery life is drained by 3G and WIFI I'm almost glad  for no 4G cause with one use the phone may never turn on again.  You can get as little as 3 hours of battery with heavy use. But to be fair this goes back to design to price, lithium batteries are not the cheapest parts of phones.

I want a smarter phone
You could argue that hey it's just a phone it only needs to take and make basic calls just use it like that and the phone will last and I would argue I want a smart phone to be smart enough to support whatever silly unnecessary uses I may come up with.
THL Battery Solution
Everybody who is aware of android phones understands the kryptonite that is battery drain and even though fit's a different phone THL did come up with asolution in the form of the THL 5000T (T for Tesla) which has a 5000mah battery and can be used as a power bank to  charge other  electronic devices    New THL 5000T Check It Out Here

On the subject of battery life another Chinese brand called Oukitel are introducing a phone with a10000mah battery called the K10000 to learn more about the first ever 10,000mah battery phone  Go Here

T12 Pros And cons

It looks and feels really good
Runs Programs smoothly
Set up and ready to use straight away

Fluff Magnet
low Energy Reserves
No 4G

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